Some Political Background

Well before I get to deep into my own opinions about if some negative comments about Obama's Health plan are racist or not, let me first go back to the political aspect of the Obama's Health Care.

In the news earlier in the month of September, it was talking about how President Obama’s health care plan seems to be facing some difficulty. President Obama says that the health care reform is at the top of the list of demands for the country but he still has not done anything major about it. So, he has to keep reassuring the public that he is getting to working on the health care plan. Many find it frustrating because they want the reform plan now. That is why in a recent survey (which was taken in September), President Obama’s overall approval rating is just a little above 50 percent. This number is totally different form the percentages during his earlier days in office. Also, through all the turmoil about the health care plan the Democrats in the Senate and in the House of Representatives have a risk of losing their seat, since they are not giving the people what they want. In addition, Bill Clinton says that a bill needs to be passed, so the people can be pleased. And Clinton is right. If nothing is done to improve the economy and health care, people will eventually lose faith in their government and political leaders, which includes President Obama. When people lose faith in the government than it is hard to gain that trust back, even when the economy starts to improve.

Basically through this information, it shows that even before Obama's Health Care Plan was underway, the public was already having problems with it, because many thought Obama would not keep his promise.