Not a Race Issue, but a Socialist Issue

When I was researching for my last blog post, an article about how some conservatives believe that Obama is socialist caught my eye. In this recent article, a Democratic organization found out that white, self identified conservatives believe Obama is harboring a "secret agenda." These conservatives feel like the "secret agenda" is going to get rid of the United States' founding principles and turn the United States into a socialist country. But is that really true?

During last year around this time, Obama said he wanted to "spread the wealth around" when he was responding to skeptical voter Joe the Plumber, when referring to his plan on corporate tax. After saying this, many news stations had stories on if Obama was actually a socialist. But, after a few weeks this blows over since Obama is elected as president.
In looking back into history, many prominent black leaders were also called socialists. Black leaders like Martin Luther King Jr, and Nelson Mandela were considered to be socialists because at that time socialism had bad connotations linked with it, since countries like Russia (previously named USSR), had negative effects because of socialism. Thus, making the words socialism or socialist as something or someone who was doing wrong. That is why many black prominent leaders were called socialist, since some felt whatever the black leader was up to was no good.
So is Obama classified with being a socialist because of what his health care plan stands for or is he just being called a socialist to cover the fact of some not liking him because of his race.