Obama's Respond to being called Socialist

Back in October of last year, President Obama meets with a crowd of Republicans, who feel like he is promoting socialism and tells them that his plan is to spread and promote opportunity for most Americans and he is not spreading socialism.

With this article, Obama puts down his attacks from John McCain as being called a socialist and says that McCain is desperate to win the election that is why McCain feels he has to say such things. Obama even says "By the end of the week, he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten," which in turn made the entire crowd laugh. This just shows that Obama is laughing at the issue of being called a socialist, and is not making a big deal about it. Also in the article, it talks about how McCain is making "Joe the plumber" as a backer to his attack of Obama "spreading the wealth." McCain further goes on to say that Obama is "punishing success" and believes that his own tax policies will create wealth instead of spread the wealth around. To this Obama says that America "needs a president who stands up for hard-working Americans on Main Street, John McCain calls this socialism, apparently. I call it opportunity, and there's nothing more American than that."

With that article, it just shows to me how bad McCain wanted to be president that he would do and say anything for it. But also with this, it shows that Obama's policies are in question with America's public, especially with him saying that he wants to "raise taxes on the wealthy so there is tax relief on the middle class." Indeed this is great for the middle class, but bad for the wealthy, and those promote some socialist views.

All in all, why would Obama try to bring socialist views to a democratic society anyway? Does this socialist idea go back to my previous post about how black politicians were seen as "communist and socialist" because of their race or is it just solely about Obama's views?